I wanted to post something because I haven't posted in several days. It seems like so much has been going on lately that I can't think of anything to report. It's almost like too much has become muddied into nothing much. I've just been balancing work, school, family, diet/excercise, and the worship team had a very busy Easter weekend with traveling back and forth between 6 services over the span of 2 days.
So, lots going on lately. I guess the biggest challenge I've faced lately is doing all of it and not letting my wife or son feel like they've been put on the back burner. There are only so many hours in a day. Wow....
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Too Much .... or Nothing Much
Posted by Jon at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Lord, Save Me From Myself
Jon Foreman has become one of my favorite singer/songwriters. He's recently released 2 out of a 4 EP set named after the 4 different seasons, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. I purchased the Fall and Winter EPs and have been listening to them, literally non-stop since I got them. His songs paint such vivid and touching pictures. The lyrics really speak to my soul. There's is a lot of feeling and emotion in his writing. I wanted to post some song lyrics from his song, "Lord, Save Me From Myself". Maybe it'll speak to you. I also posted a video of Jon performing the song.
Posted by Jon at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
It's been awhile.....
Well, it's awhile since I posted on this blog but I've been sort of in a haze. I am a very focused and single minded person at times, so when I'm working on something or focused on a particular goal it's hard to get my mind off of it and onto other "wonderings" which I might blog on.
I've been working as of late on getting myself into good shape (when am I not working on that one). So my mind has kinda been consumed with eating at the right time, the right stuff, working out, sleeping, etc.... Sometimes I think I'm good at multi-tasking and then other times.....not so much.
Anyway, I sold my guitar about a week ago because I really needed to upgrade. The guitar I had was great when I got it like 10 years ago (and didn't know anything about a good sounding guitar) but I realized I needed/wanted something that sounded better. God has really re-birthed the desire in me to play some music. Ever since I shipped my guitar off I've just had this ache to strum around on a guitar and learn some new songs. So I'm visiting a guitar store every day at lunch and "test driving" guitars in hopes that one will just jump out at me.
I'd love to get a Taylor guitar of some sort but I just can't justify dropping that kind of money on a guitar at this time. Maybe later. I was recently added to the singing ensemble at church(also known as a choir but I think that sound real old fashioned and weird since I'm an instrumentalist) and sang at my first scheduled event this past Friday. It was a women's event at the church and it was really fun to be using the talents that God has given me again. I originally auditioned for our church's worship team on guitar and vocals but I don't think my showing was that strong (I hadn't picked up my guitar in 2 years). Anyway, I was asked to sing in the "choir" instead. I originally wasn't too sure what to think about that. I almost took it as a failure because it wasn't what I'd set out to accomplish but after thinking about it more I realized that that is where God wants me to start out. I'm taking as a lesson in humility really. You see, I've always been used to being the best at my instrument (trumpet). All through school I was the top at what I did so when I missed the mark on this audition it kind of bruised my ego at first but I think it was really a lesson that God had for me in humility. I must say that I'm actually enjoying the process and feel like there is a lot to be learned from this experience.
I'm just glad to be in a musical environment and setting again. Hanging out with other musicians and being given the opportunity to use those talents that God has given me and express myself in that way.
Ok.... now I'm rambling.....
Posted by Jon at 6:35 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
New Velocity Diet blog....
If you'll look at my links, I've created a new blog to chronicle my experience on the Velocity Diet. Check that out for the latest updates.
Posted by Jon at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Velocity Diet - A new adventure and challenge!
I'm about to embark on an interesting journey to see what kind of shape I can get my body into. I've always been interested in fitness and nutrition. If you ask my wife she'll tell you that I'm a little over the top with it all and to be honest I probably am. However, I don't think I've ever actually achieved the best condition that I'm capable of. The reason is probably due to lack of discipline and "want to".
I lost about 20 to 30 lbs. a year or so ago and I've kept it off for the most part for a while, but I'm ready to take things to the next level. My road map to getting there involves a plan called the Velocity Diet. This plan is designed to do exactly what the name indicates. It's designed to rapidly strip the fat off of the body. Some people will think that I'm kinda ridiculous for considering a plan like this but I think it's got a lot of merit. I'll be receiving all of the nutrients that I need, just in a different and calculated way.
The quick description of the plan is this: I'll drink 5 high quality protein shakes a day along with fish oil capsules, a couple servings of milled flax seed, and some fiber tabs. The shakes will be consumed every 2 to 3 hours. I'll eat 1 healthy solid meal a week. That's right, I said "1" solid meal a week. I'll do this for 28 days straight and then I'll transition off of this plan back to consuming solid food on a regular basis again over a 2 week period.
I'll also be lifting weights 3 days per week and doing some kind of low intensity cardio every day without fail.
The goal is to strip off about 20 or so pounds during this time and uncover the muscle that is hiding below the fat.
My motivation is the desire to experience being in the best shape of my life and to successfully complete a challenging program that requires extreme focus and discipline.
Note: I'll be starting a separate blog where I'll be chronicling each day of this journey to my best physique ever. I'll record the good, the bad, and the ugly. There will probably be progress photos involved.... otherwise how would you know I made any progress?
Stay Tuned...........
Check Out my Velocity Diet blog @: Velocity Diet Blog
Posted by Jon at 1:00 AM 5 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Foo Fighters Update.....
I just wanted to post this picture of myself with Subway's Jared on the way to the Foo Fighters show. Is this really me or is it a cardboard cut out of me? You decide.
Posted by Jon at 9:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I've been really contemplating asking someone to mentor me lately? I really feel like having a mentor is crucial to real personal growth whether it be spiritually, professionally, or in my family. I think the real desire I have is for a spiritual mentor though because that's the one area of my life that I really need the most growth. I believe my spirit has been praying about it for awhile because it's often on my mind.
I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that God has something bigger for me than the stage of life that I'm currently in. I'm not sure what that might be or in what form it will manifest itself but I just sense it. I believe God has been birthing in me thoughts that I've never had before about things that he may be preparing me for. It's scary but a tad exciting also. I wish I could elaborate more on what those things are..... but I don't know myself.
Posted by Jon at 7:51 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Why can't I sit still?
So I'm approaching the downhill slope of my Master's degree program. I've got 9 hours left to complete before I have a Master's in IT Management. Why IT management you may ask. Why not I say? I figured that I understand IT even though I wouldn't classify myself as really being interested in it outside of the paycheck it brings, but I really wanted my Master's degree to seperate myself from everyone that has a bachelors degree now days. I would've went after the "ALL IMPRESSIVE" MBA but I just couldn't stomach the idea of taking more finance and accounting type classes. I have to take a couple of those in this program and it's just painful to me.
But, I digress. Now that I'm on the downhill slope of this program I've found myself contemplating what I'm going to go after once I've finished. I know I don't want to get a Phd just because I don't see myself teaching in a University setting really and it wouldn't really benefit me in my current position that much. So there is a Leadership Institute in the town that I live in that the Chamber or Commerce and local government sponsor. So I've been contemplating applying for it. I don't remember how many people they take each year but I'd have to be sponsored by my company I think.
So I'm wondering why I feel like I have to be achieving something? Is that weird?
Posted by Jon at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Anyone Out There.....
Just curious..... does anyone read this blog?
Posted by Jon at 8:41 AM 4 comments
There's no crying on...The Biggest Loser
Ok, so I meant to blog on this last week when it was fresh but did anyone watch The Biggest Loser last week? My wife and I are big fans of The Biggest Loser. I think we just like watching people improve themselves, especially after they thought it was impossible. Anyway, there are two brothers on the show and it came down to the point that one of them was going to get voted off last week.
So, the guys have all come to the realization that they're going to have to vote this guy off and they all know it's gonna happen and they all start crying to eachother and getting all sentimental. I found myself being very uncomfortable with all of these grown men crying and getting all sappy on one another. Trina thinks there is something wrong with me because I'm not a cryer but I don't know. It's not some machio thing that I am conscious about. I mean, it's not like I have to try real hard not to cry or whatever. I just don't think I have it in me for some reason. Does that mean there's something wrong with me?
Posted by Jon at 8:31 AM 2 comments
Let it Snow!!!!!!!
OK, so Arkansas has to be like in the same part of the world as the island that the LOST survivors are on. I mean, I was wearing shorts and flip flops this past weekend. We had the windows in the house open to let the house air out. We turned the heat off. We got out and rode bikes and went to the park. Then I get up this morning to get ready for work, I walk downstairs..... and I see white on the ground. Wow.... what in the world? What's even funnier is that it's supposed to be in the 60s tomorrow.
Never a dull moment weather wise in Arkansas.
Posted by Jon at 8:24 AM 0 comments